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This article will be the new Apple iPad device, I recommend you read this review before you try to buy this desktop computer. You have been warned! to avoid disappointment. After the iPhone and iPod Apple has launched its appeal fresh and sexy "new iPad, a light table, computer with touch screen capabilities that can be easily carried along the road as possible.
However, there are a lot of pros and cons of this newApple device:
Apple iPad Pro
Design: I love the look and feel of Apple's new device, Apple has done a great job in giving impression of the first well. In addition to its very light, which is perfect to carry with you on the road.
Touch Screen: With a stylish design and touch-screen computer table really makes you fell into a Hollywood movie-Sci-Fi!
Speed: 1 GB Processor Power ago with the iPad incredibly fast! You can multi-task, without doing him any such delay or failure.
iWork: iWork is one of many programs installed, as iWork is Microsoft Office, you can create that kind of Word document, spreadsheet, create databases and create slide presentations.
Entertainment: With iPad you can surf the web, read ebooks, movies and even live TV! If you like the iPhone and the iPod will really love> IPad!
Apple iPad Cons
No Flash: This is the biggest fall! Not compatible with Flash, you will not be able to see videos from YouTube! However, something tells me that Apple somehow managed a sort of flash plugin to create in the near future (thanks to its customer's needs).
No built in camera: That's right, the camera built iPad, but will be many external components, including webcams.
No USB slot:IPad without USB ports, but with a huge hard disk space is raging from 16 GB to 64 GB unit mass required to use any external USB bold.
Battery life: He says that 10 hours of battery life if you're multitasking with video, iWorks and surf the Internet. This can be drastically reduced and battery life.
So there you go the pros and cons of Apple iPad. Now that you are very familiar with this fantasticDevice (thanks to this review) are very willing to move forward with your purchase.